Dr. Innah Joyce Logmao

General and Cosmetic Dentist

Our experienced Dentist of more than 7 years, handles all aspects of General Dentistry including but not limited to fillings, Root canal treatment, routine and wisdom teeth extraction, prosthetics and teeth whitening procedure.

A graduate of Centro Escolar University Manila PH, has received her Certificate in preceptorship in basic corrective orthodontics in 2016 and certificate in Minor surgery 2016.

Frequesntly Asked Questions

  • What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

    I have always been fond of taking before and after photos of patients undergoing a cosmetic dental procedure. Their eyes, smile and gestures- all captured in the before and after photos. They hold a significant difference and it's remarkable to note that the happiness and satisfaction can be felt from an after procedure photo. My reward of having patients (happy) cry after a procedure and be so thankful for making them smile again is what i think cosmetic dentistry is all about. Cosmetic is to enhance what is already existing and for me, to also be able to eliminate any insecurities and produce a more confident and happy individual.

  • What is a root canal?

    Every tooth has a nerve (or nerves) inside of them. The nerves are housed in the roots of the teeth. When these nerves are inflamed, dying or dead(necrotic), it is necessary to remove them and clean out the root canal(s) and place a replacement for the removed nerve in the canal. The procedure is done under local anesthesia and it takes a few sessions with the dentist depending on the case.

  • What advice you can give to your patient?

    Don't think twice about treating your teeth. This is what you use for eating, speaking and giving yourself confidence. It is the best investment you can make for yourself that will go a long way. No one is too young or too old to start their dental journey, but there is always such a thing as too late in dentistry.

  • What do you like to do outside work?

    I am fond of painting on my free time, overusing the massage chair and bonding with my family. Occasionally I also like to travel and dive into a different culture.


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